Since Halloween was a big deal for Dave's family growing up, and I want my kids to have all the experiences youth has to offer, I try to make the effort for the kids. Each year I let the kids pick their ideal costumes, and if I can get it at a reasonable price I will do it.
This year Colin decided he wanted to be a Tootsie Roll. Have we established that I am not the crafty mom? In case we haven't, I am not that mom, in fact, I am the antithesis of that mom, but I was up to the challenge.
I went to the fabric store and scouted out my options and decided that felt was the way to go. $7 later and I was on my way. It might be a good time to point out that I went to the store right after the step class. My face was as red as the red felt that I needed for the costume.
I made the costume while Dave took the boys to get their hair cut. I measured the black felt and made sure that it was not too long for Colin so he wouldn't step on it. I sewed the white and red stripes together and then sewed them on the black. Here is where it proves that I am not the crafty mom. I didn't take into account that this would add about 10 total inches to the length of the costume making it about 4.5 feet tall. Colin is around 5 feet tall and I hadn't sewn on the straps yet. Heck, Dave would have been too short for it. It would have fit Shaquille O'Neal. I cut it apart and took out a big chunk and then took an inch off the top and the bottom and started again. Some blood (I stuck my finger with a pin, and Max got in the way) sweat, and swearing later, and this is what we ended with:
After all that work I have to say that I am pretty happy with the result. It is adjustable so Colin could wear his heavy coat. (It was freezing here, as usual.) It will also be the go-to costume for any time I have to dress up in the future. Maybe I should also take this time to tell you how much I hate to dress up. You will have to take my word for it that Colin was cute since I am still resolved not to post any pictures of my kids faces on this blog.
Now on to Thanksgiving. Food and Family is a holiday I can get behind!
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