
Saturday, March 23, 2019

My Life, An Update

So life has gotten in the way the last few years.  I was working at a job that discouraged political views being expressed, and the kids are older and don't love me talking about them.  I have been content to sit on the sidelines and let life go by undocumented.

All is well at our house.  I have a new job that doesn't care about my political views. Dave is still the same.  Colin has graduated high school and has joined the National Guard while completing the ROTC split program.  I never thought I would be a military mom, but I could not be prouder of the man he is working so hard to become.  Ryan is proud that he is officially taller than me, and loves playing basketball.  His life goal is to be in the NBA or to become an orthodontist.  I am glad that he has big dreams, and I know he can do whatever he wants if he puts his mind to it.  Max is slowing down, and that makes me sad, but I am enjoying him while I have him.  He loves that I work from home, and thinks my lap is his throne. 

Winter continues to kick me when I am down.  Seasonal Affect Disorder is real.  I am trying to combat this by working with a personal trainer with my good friend.  Exercise and a good dose or Lori three times a week have helped, but I am still down in the rabbit hole.  If I can just hang on a few more weeks, I will be okay. 

I can't thank my extended family enough for watching out for me.  My mom keeps a close eye on me even though she has her hands full with her own life.  My sister is looking out as well.  It really means a lot to me. 

My life is currently consumed by 7th grade AAU basketball, and while I complain about it, I really do love watching Ryan play.  He has come so far from when he played Upward basketball and cried on my lap because the boy just wouldn't give him personal space, even when he asked nicely.  He is funny and kind, unless he is on the court, and then he will take no prisoners and has a true "game face" that kind of scares me a bit.  He has fouled out of a game or two, and takes being aggressive to a new level.  He likes knocking people over, but helps them up after pushing them down, so at least he shows some sportsmanship. 

I hope to write once a week.  I miss this blog, and I miss reading it later and remembering the little things about my life.  Life is good, and I want to remember that instead of getting caught in the minutia.  Thanks to my friend Lauri for reminding me of how much I enjoy writing. 

Until next week, be kind to one another. 

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