
Monday, April 1, 2019

Random Thoughts and First World Problems

We had absolutely nowhere to go yesterday.  That NEVER HAPPENS, especially during AAU basketball season.  We had a rare weekend off because of Spring Break. 

Here is my first random thought:  Who thought it was a good idea to have spring break be the last week of March, in OHIO.  For those of us that don't go somewhere for vacation, it is still WINTER here.  In fact, as I look out my window, there is snow on the ground.  The one time I did go somewhere, it was still cold in Alabama and I had to wear a heavy coat to the beach.  My Father-In-Law got very sick and had to be hospitalized, and we had to drive for 18 hours. 

Because we had nowhere to go, I decided it was time to clean my bedroom.  Really clean it.  I emptied my closet, and only things that bring me joy made it back in.  I did seven loads of laundry.  (I had been putting it off for weeks, and only doing emergency laundry.  Seasonal Affect Disorder is real, people.) Here is my first First World Problem:  when I carried a laundry basket, my Fitbit did not register that as a flight of steps.  I WAS ROBBED OF AT LEAST 14 FLIGHTS OF STAIRS.  That would have earned me a Fitbit badge. 

My second First World Problem happened when I used the spare bathroom on one of those trips to the laundry room.  Somehow in one of my budget conscience trips to BJ's Wholesale Club, I decided that I didn't need Cottonelle and I could live with Charmin Basic.  It was cheaper to start with and I had a $3 coupon.  I thought we had used all of it, but there must be one roll left.  I am here to tell you, I NEED COTTONELLE.  I have decided that I have earned the right to have luxury toilet paper when in my own home. 

I also decided that I would cook ahead for the week like efficient people do, and also give Dave something better than PB&J for his lunch.  I have been working with a personal trainer, and he has finally convinced me that I need protein in my diet.  I decided to make a whole bunch of chicken with olive oil and salt and pepper to season it, along with Jasmine Rice (we are getting fancy here with the rice).  Here comes my second random thought for the day.  If you cut your chicken into strips instead of leaving it whole, it cooks faster.  Much faster.  I am now going to put my protein in the handy chopper with some bacon and add some blue cheese or ranch dressing and put it on a Triscuit.  I'm quite sure that is not what Steve had in mind, but he did say I could season to taste. 

With that, I leave you with the hopes that you have a wonderful week.  Rumor has it that our weather roller coaster will get us into the high 60's by the weekend, just in time for me to spend my days in random gyms throughout the Akron area. 

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