
Monday, June 24, 2019

I'm Still Waiting for a Call...

There were no rainbows and unicorns on Father's Day.  I felt like my soul had been crushed.  As the day turned into night and I knew it wasn't going to happen, I couldn't even cry.  I went to my room and just laid there.  I didn't even turn on the television as that would have been too much for me to deal with. 

I still haven't gotten a call.  Still haven't heard his voice.  It has been over a month. 

What I have gotten have been letters.  These are now my most prized possessions.  They reside in my fire proof safe, and besides Dave, Ryan and Max, they are what I would grab if I have to evacuate my house. 

These letters are amazing.  When one comes in the mail, I can almost forgive the Post Office for all the days that I come in empty handed.  I get a glimpse into his life, and they give me hope that I can make it for another five weeks. 

I know other companies have gotten phone privileges, but it seems that there are a few kids who can not find it in themselves to remain quiet during formation.  When graduation comes, I want to have a word with these kids.  All I need would be 5 minutes, but I suppose if they are not afraid of the Drill Sargents,  they will not be afraid of me.  Here is where they would learn that there are few things scarier than a mother that has been kept from hearing the dulcet tones of her son's beautiful voice. 

In the meantime, I will continue to stalk my mailbox for some camouflage paper and the chicken scratch that keeps me going. 

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