
Saturday, January 15, 2011

What's in a Name...

I am sure that many of you wonder why I named this blog "One Third Acre Woods". We live in a town that is relatively middle class whereas the town directly north of us is quite a bit more affluent. In that town a lot of the homes have names as if they were on par with "Tara" in "Gone with the Wind." Some examples are "Thirty Acres" or "A Place for Everyone".

Down here in my town, nobody names their land. My sister and I were laughing about that one day and started thinking of names for my house. One that we came up with was "C'ead Mile Failte" which means "A Hundred Thousand Welcomes" in Gaelic. I come from a very Irish family and all are welcome at my house, so it could work.   If I lived in the other town it would be perfect because it sounds kind of pretentious and people would wonder what it meant. I also thought of "Dancing in the Shadows" because we live on a heavily wooded lot and I feel like I dance in the shadows of my family. I love supporting my kids and husband as well as my extended family.  I am the go-to girl for weird jobs that nobody else would ever dare do. For example,  I am the one you call on if you want to take a picture of someone on your camera phone without them knowing.  I am basically a people-pleaser.  I thought that it sounded kind of needy and weak so that was out. 

Finally I decided on "One Third Acre Woods" because we live on 1/3 of an acre that has so many trees in the back yard that we can't get grass to grow.  It is also a play on the hundred acre woods from Winnie the Pooh. 

Now if I lived in the other town I would get a sign made and hang it by the end of my driveway.  Since I live here, I decided to start a blog instead.   If you had to name your home, what would it be?


Anonymous said...

We thought "Falling Timber Lane" was appropriate since we had so many limbs come down in a bad storm.

Anonymous said...

0Kate - There is a huge house on northeast ave near the rr bridge that has a really long winding drive and a huge professionally made sign calling it --- "the property". Quite pretentious since it is very close to the regional police fireibg range where all local SWAT teams send off vollies. - DaD